An event-driven IPC implementation for NodeJS using unix file sockets

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Table of Contents



Advanced Usage

API (you are here)

Important Changes





These are instantiable classes what will pass an instanceof check. There are also a number of interfaces in the next section which are, at best, duck-typed at key spots in the module.


This library follows a standard server/client pattern. There is one server which listens for connections from one or more clients. Intuitively, the Server class provides the interface for establishing the server side of the equation.

The server can receive messages from any of the clients. It can also send() messsages to a specific client or it can broadcast() a message to all connected clients.

new Server(options)

Creates a new server, but it does not start listening until you call server.listen(). You can immediately attach listeners to the Server instance.

Event: ‘close’

Emitted when the server has stopped listening for connections and all existing connections have been ended.

Event: ‘closed’

Deprecated in v0.3.0 - scheduled for removal in v1.0.0

Alias of close event.

Event: ‘connection’

Emitted when a client establishes a connection to the server.

Event: ‘error’

Emitted when an error occurs. Any errors emitted by the underlying net.Server will also be repeated via this event as well as those from the underlying net.Socket instances of each connected client.

Additionally, these specific error classes may be emitted.

The following conditions will cause Server to emit an error event:

Event: ‘listening’

Emitted when the server is ready for incoming connections.

Event: ‘message’

Emitted when a message is received, regardless of the topic.

Event: ‘message.topic

Emitted when a message with the specified topic is received. For example, messages with a topic of “dessert” would emit the message.dessert event. (Yum!)

server.broadcast(topic, message)

Sends a message to all connected clients. On the client-side, this message can be heard by listening for the message or the message.topic event.

If there are no connected clients, this method will quietly do nothing.


Tells the server to start listening for client connections. This is an async operation and the listening event will emitted when the server is ready for connections.

This may only be called once per instance. Calling this method a second time will emit an error event.

server.send(topic, message, clientId)

Sends a message to a specific, connected, client. On the client-side, this message can be heard by listening for the message or the message.topic event.


Closes all active connections and stops listening for new connections. This is an asynchronous operation. Once the server is fully closed, the close event will be emitted.

Any future calls to server.send() or server.broadcast() will cause the server to emit an error event.

Once this method has been called, a new Server instance is needed to re-establish a connection with the server.


This library follows a standard server/client pattern. There is one server which listens for connections from one or more clients. Intuitively, the Client class provides the interface for establishing the client side of the equation.

The client can receive messages from the server and it can send() messages to the server.

new Client(options)

Creates a new client, but it does not connect until you call client.connect(). You can immediately attach listeners to the client instance.

Event: ‘close’

Emitted when client.close() has been called and the client connection has been fully closed.

Event: ‘closed’

Deprecated in v0.3.0 - scheduled for removal in v1.0.0

Alias of close event.

Event: ‘connect’

Emitted when the Client establishes a connection with the server. This occurs during initial connection and during reconnect scenarios.

Event: ‘connectError’

Emitted when a connection attempt fails.

This event is common when the server is not yet listening. Because of the auto-retry mechanism, this event may be emitted several times while the client waits for the server to start listening. For some applications, waiting “forever” for the server to start may make sense; for others, you can use this event count the number of connection attempts and “give up” after some limit.

Event: ‘disconnect’

Emitted when a client unexpectedly loses connection. This is distinct from the close event that is a result of client.close() being called.

The client emits this when it both conditions are met:

This event is emitted when the client hears an close event from the underlying net.Socket. Some applications may benefit from listening directly to the socket events.

Event: ‘error’

Emitted when an error occurs.

After establishing a connection, the Client listens for error events from the underlying net.Socket and repeats them as a local event.

Additionally, the following Error objects may be emitted.

Event: ‘message’

Emitted when a message is received, regardless of the topic.

Event: ‘message.topic

Emitted when a message with the specified topic is received. For example, messages with a topic of “dessert” would emit the message.dessert event. (Yum!)

Event: ‘reconnect’

An duplication of the connect that is only emitted when a client successfully performs an automatic reconnect. This event will always be immediately preceded by the connect event. It is useful when you want additional behavior in reconnect scenarios. You can also leverage EventEmitter.once() to handle initial connections and reconnects differently:

client.once('connect', /* ... */);  // Only respond to the first connect event
client.on('reconnect', /* ... */);  // But respond to every reconnect event


Permanently closes the connection. There will be no automatic reconnect attempts. This is an asynchronous operation; the close event will be emitted when the connection to the client has been completely closed.

Any future call to client.send() will cause the client to emit an error event.


Tells the client to connect to the server. This is an async operation and the connect event will be emitted once the connection has been established.

This may only be called once per instance. Calling this method a second time will emit an error event.

If the connection fails, a connectError event will be emitted and the client will automatically try again after a the delay defined by options.retryDelay. This cycle will be repeated until a connection is established or until client.close() is called. You can limit the number of retries by listening and counting the connectError events, then calling client.close() when you decide that it is time to “give up”.

Once connected a connect will be emitted providing access to the underlying net.Socket instance.

If the underlying socket emits a close event, the behavior varies depending on whether or not client.close()` has been called:

client.send(topic, message)

Sends a message to the server. On the server-side, this message can be heard by listening for the message or the message.topic event.







Interfaces (Classes)

Interfaces (Callbacks/Functions)